dijous, 4 de desembre del 2014


Have you got a lot of passwords? Are you sick of remember all of them?

For that problem, the company Facephi has spent seven years developing a new technology, using 16 engineers in order to "simplify" our lives. Javier Barranchinas, head of research Facephi tells us that  this  technology is for have a facial recognition in cheap webcams for acces in your accounts.

This operation is very simple: somebody stands in front of a camera, the program FacePhi makes you different photos in microseconds and converts that information into numbers. The program can detect changes that one suffers when you grow up,your hairstyle change ... Of course, you have to use often so you can recognize change.

This program has an error rate of one per million abd it's also able to distinguish whether it is a photo or the real person, and distinguish twins.

Although FacePhi wants to use thid technology to access on your account on social networks or to see if you are able to driving, detecting if you are tired or drunk.

This experiment is a good idea, because normally you have to remember a lot of passwords but, if we are in the habit of don't use the passwords and only use this technology, the day which this technology fall down, anybody could acces to his/her accounts. Somehow, if we use with care, it's very usefull



Robert Langer, professor in biomedical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, had the idea of regenerate the tissues, taking plastics and adding cells to it. If you use the right kind of plastics and the right structure, you have the hability to make skin, bone or any organ in the body.

Langer says that there has been a lot of progress. But, the rejection is the most inconvenient. He says that one day, you could have sensors that they could inform if you will have a heart attack or a stroke and go to the hospital before or inform to the hospital for an ambulance

This matter is very controversy, because some people says: Until what we must manipulate the human? I think this experiment it's not as bad as some people  because this can advise you to go to the hospital before you have a heart attack. It's a good research.


In the USA, there's a trial that is made with 18 patients with vision problems in the retina. This patients have been treated with stem cells to regenerate tissue of the retina, which is the part of the eye where images are projected. The test was a success: 10 of the 18 patients significantly improved their vision, 7 of the 18 improved slightly or remained stable and only one of them lost vision.

One of these patients is a man of 75 who was blind in one eye and is dedicated to breeding horses. After a month of treatment, improved both the vision returned to ride a horse and was able to detect objects that were in the way. His eye went from having no vision to be between 20-40% vision.

This healing technique was being investigated during a lot of time, but had not done ever until  now because it can be rejected or create tumors. Steven Schwartz, the author of the Work says that if all goes well, in 2020 this technique will be marketed worldwide and it could cure other diseases that now are incurable like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes.

In my opinion, I don't understand why people are against the stem cells. I think it can be the research of the decade. If they could research more, they maybe could cure cancer

dimecres, 3 de desembre del 2014

Oral Presentation


Milwaukee Bucks and Toronto Raptors

These are the two revelations of the East Conference in the NBA

Milwaukee Bucks is a team of the NBA and it's in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They play in the Bradley Center since 1988. The lasts 10 years they were the worst NBA team, but this year, they have change the coach and they're more competitive. They also hired the nº 2 of the last draft, Jabari Parker.

This year they trust to play the playoff. At the moment, they have won 10 games and they have lost 9 games.

Toronto Raptors is a team of the NBA and it's in Toronto, Canada. They play in the Air Canada since 1999. This is the only Canadian team in the NBA. They only have played 6 times the playoffs since 1995.

This year, at the moment, are the best team in the East Conference, winning 14 games and losing 4 games

diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

My favourite historic player

Larry bird was born in west Baden, Indiana in the year 1956. His family was poor, so he worked very hard toAfter the high school, he worked as a builder and street sweeper during a couple of years. After that, he went three years in the University of Indiana State. He left the university because he wanted to play in the NBA.

He played in the Boston Celtics during fourteen years, winning 3 times the Playoffs. He is the best 3 shooter of the history. Now, he lives in Terre Haute, Indiana. He hasn’t got married and he hasn’t got any children. He retired at 1992.

I like this player because he played with intelligence and he's a legend.

dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014

My favourite player

My favourite player is Klay Thompson. Is my favourite player because he's a very complete player who can throw three-point shoot, do a slamdunk or assist to another player.

He's from Los Angeles, but he plays in the Golden State Warriors, in San Francisco. This is his 4th year in the NBA. He plays in the position of shooting-guard, next to the playmaker, Stephen Curry.

The last season, his points average was 18,4 in the regular season. In the playoff was 16.7. The last summer, he played with the USA  Basketball in the Basketball World Cup, celebrated in Spain this last August and September, and they won it.


Basketball is my favourite sport. I play basketball since I was 5. Almost 12 years! In that time I have met a lot of people and almost all my friends. I will remember the best moments and the worst with my team.

Basketball, for me, it's a way to remove all my problems. Whether I'm playing a match or training. I feel really better after play basketball.

First, I played for a club called Esplais, in Castello but, 4 years later, Esplais has nearly disappeared and there is a new club called “CB Castello” and it has grown a lot. It has more than 100 players. These days I play there.

 I love basketball because it’s a sport that uses your whole body and fools your opponent. It’s very intensive, competitive and beautiful. You can enjoy yourself and relax a lot while playing basketball with your friends. I play basketball three or four times a week.

This last year, we played in level A of Girona. We have won lots of matches but we were ranked 8th in Girona and we lost of 5 against the 2nd ranking club in Catalunya in the last seconds. Even though we lost this match; we have had a very good year.

dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014

Torrente 5

Torrente 5 it's a very fun film and it's a critic of the Spanish society and reflect the problems of the Spanish people. It's produced, directed and interpreted by Santiago Segura.

This film is about a former Spanish policeman who has left the prison. When he returned to his normal life, he saw that everything what he liked had changed: Catalonia is independent, the "Vicente Calderón Stadium" was demolished, and the statue of "el Fari" was painted with spray paint...
Fortunately, he met a Russian person who had a plain to hold up Eurovegas. Torrente had to reclute qualificated people for do that plain.

In this movie, I think the best is the form with Santiago reflected the Spanish society and his evolution. Plus, the scene of the heist and when he left the prision are the best of the film. The only thing that can improve is the pronunciation of some characters

The only thing that I don't like of this film is the ending. It's very strange and it looks like it was written very fast.

At least, I think Torrente 5 is the funniest film in 2014 in Spain and I suggest to see this film, especially in the cinema, with high quality.


divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014

Podcast: What's the best age?

Vocaroo Voice Message

E-mail to the teacher

Dear teacher,  
My name is Oriol and I’m sixteen years old. I have never done an official exam. I have been twice in the United States when I was eleven and when I was thirteen.  When I was eleven I went with my family to New York ten days and when I was thirteen I go with my family too to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas. In Los Angeles most of people doesn’t talk English and talks Spanish but, in the others cities, most people talks English. Last year I have a 7 in English but this year I hope to push myself more.
See you soon. 