diumenge, 15 de maig del 2016

Final reflection

I can't compare my first written post and my last composition because I removed accidentally my posts of 4th ESO, so I have to compared with my posts of 1st BAT.

My first posts are written with the simplest grammar possible, like compostions of a five-year-old boy, without a lot of mistakes, but very simple. My last composition is not very different as my first post, but it is written with a more maturity of ideas, more vocabulary and more complicated sentences. The structure is more clear and I use more connectors.

Comparing my first oral presentation with the last one, it is easy to see that my pronunciation has improved and my nervousness has dicreased, so I do my oral presentations more relaxed and more prepared.In the beginning, most of my oral presentations were corrected by my classmates to make it better, not mistakes but include more vocabulary and more accurate but the recents oral presentation didn't need that corrections

I think my best oral production is my last oral presentation  because I worked more on it, mostly on the vocabulary. It was about my research project, so the vocabulary were very accurate. During that presentation I was half-sleep and I didn't remember the text, so I improvised a lot and it  wasn't perceived because I spoke quite fluent

Regarding to my best written production, I don't know which is the best, but it is possibly my post about "Can technology make a better world?". I worked a lot on this composition, especially in the vocabulary and in the ideas, writing it in an orderly way. This is from the second term, and possibly when I worked harder in English, and it's reflected on the compositions, tasks, etc. 

dijous, 12 de maig del 2016

Description of a person

My name is Oriol, I'm 18 years old and I'm going to make a description of myself.

Physically, I'm tall and thin, fortunately, not as thin as three years ago. I weight 68 kg and I'm 1,86 m height. So, I'm similar to a stick. I have neither tattos nor piercings. My arms and my legs are very long and thin too.

Psychologically, I have a lot of imagination, sometimes too much, and I'm very indecisive, even when I was trying to choose the topic of this composition. Alslo I don't bear the lack of punctuality. I usually have a smile on my face, because I'm a very positive person, but wen I'm angry I'm very destructive, because I act without thinking of the consequences. Fortunately, it doens't usually happen.

In few words, this is me. Of course, I'm not as I described, I'm more complicated.

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

OrCam Glasses Could Help Blind People ‘Read Again’, Study Finds

OrCam Glasses Could Help Blind People ‘Read Again’, Study Finds
This study included 12 participants with low vision with different disorders, all legally blind.
They were assigned tasks in which they had to use their vision to distinguish different objects as well as read letters, but most of them failed. After that, they were given OrCam Glasses, which resulted in over a 90% success rate performing the actions.
The participants found the device easy to use, and stated that they would consider using it every day.
Mark J Mannis, study co-author, states that this invention offers hope to patients unable to recover medically.

Resultado de imagen de orcam glasses

This is a very useful invention for blind people because it allows them to see the world how it is, and it allows them to make things that they couldn't do before, for example, drive a car.

Video shows Afghan woman's 'Taliban execution'

Video shows Afghan woman's 'Taliban execution'
A video of a public execution of a woman in Afghanistan has emerged. The woman had been judged by an informal Taliban court and killed shortly after with a shot in the back in the head, while a crowd watched.
This is not the first public killing carried out by the Taliban, similar videos had been released in the past. Last year, a woman was stoned publicly after being accused of adultery, and in 2011 a similar case happened.

"Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is in the Koran, and that it is Islamic law”, says a Taliban spokesman.

This is terrible, is something that shockes you because the brutality and the cold blood that the Talibans had when they killed in this way. Acts like this take away your faith in the mankind


Last post

After 3 years, this is my last post in this blog. I don't know what to say because I talked about everything I was interested in. This blog has consumed all my imagination and has stressed me, because normally I don't know which topic I can talk about, and I spent quite time thinking what post I can do.

It has been useful because I've learnt a lot doing the blog, for example, use expressions and words that I don't use usually. Although it has been very stressed because the death lines coincide with the period of exams, it is very satisfactory when you finish the blog at the last minute. I used to do the blog at the last minute because I work better under pressure, and I'm more inspired when I'm writing.
And that's the secret of this blog. 

I hope you have enjoyed this blog more than me!!

Resultado de imagen de satisfaccion

PD: I have done this post because I had to do only one post more I didn't find another topic to do

a human right

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are a set of rules to protect human integrity, and are valid for all the humans
2. When and why were they created?
They were created as we know them nowadays in the 1948 by the United Nations to prevent another world conflict/war that could devastate entire cities, as the second world war, and protect the right to live in a peaceful environment
3. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights

4. Which human right were you not familiar with?
Article 7: Legal equality
“All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.”

This human right is protected by every constitution, but it’s not always obeyed. Sometimes, the influence of the government or the capital of somebody affects to the trial or the judge. And it happens in almost all the countries. So, it is violated frequently.

This human right represents equality, the rich and the poor are equal, no matter neither your capital nor your origen nor your job. And it is disappointing that this right is violated in countries that promotes this equality.

Watch the video of the right you chose.  Make a list of new words you hear, if any. Think of an example where this human right is respected and where it is violated.

This human right (Legal Equality), is violated in almost every dictatorship, for example, North Korea, and it is “respected” theoretically in every democracy, for example, the UK

My dreams 3

As I said in another post, recently I have had some strange dreams that I want to share. This is not relationed with something in my life, and for that reason it is strange.

I was a secret agent in Madrid and the best sniper in Catalonia, and my mission was to kill the dictator of Spain during a promenade. I was in a small flat in "Plaza Mayor", and when he passed in his car, I killed him with a headshot My mission was succesful, but when I was escaping, the police enter to the building and found me going down the stairs, but they didn't recognize me because I looked like a boy and I could leave the building, but when the police talked with the neighbours...

Fortunately I escape and I changed my appearance and my DNI, so I passed unnoticed the border. Possibly, it has been he strangest dream. I'm still looking for the meaning of it.

Resultado de imagen de dream

Next year

This is my last year in high school. Next year I'll go to the university. So this year has been special because the change it has represented in my life. The next year I'll study, probably, in the UdG (Universitat de Girona), and I'll probably live in Girona too with some friends.

I won't live at home, and I will only see my parents during the weekend, and that's a difficult change becaus it means that I will have to cook my food and there won't be anybody that controls me, so I'll be free.

My choice is not closed, I'm still looking for the best degree for me, but the most probable option is informatics, because it's the most interesting degree for me, and I think it would like me. But, as I said before, I'm not sure.
Resultado de imagen de indecisión

My dreams

Recently, I've had some strange dreams that I want to tell. Today I'm gonna tell one:

I was dreaming that I was sailing a beautiful sailing boat, when suddenly I heard a strange noise that woke me up at 6am (Yes, I was dreaming that I was dreaming, AWESOME). This noise was a police car that was chasing a mercedens while they were firing a weapon. In the morning, when I went outside, I saw that during the pursuit five cars had been hit, and nobody knew who the fugitives were. 

Later, when I was having lunch, I saw on the news that the fugitives were jihadists that were gathered in Roses, and tried to escape driving in secondary roads, passing Pau and going to Castello. Fortunately they were caught in la Jonquera, and fortunately, it was just a dream.

Resultado de imagen de dream