diumenge, 8 de març del 2015


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After six years observing Mars, scientist of NASA have confirmed that the Ancient Mars had an ocean.  They said that it was probably the size of the Arctic Ocean.

The existence of a northern ocean has been debated for decades, and it’s the first time that it’s confirmed.  Some scientist found two slightly forms of water in Mars’ atmosphere. One is the familiar water (H2O), and the second is a heavier molecule, with another isotope of the Hydrogen, called deuterium. These two forms of water are also in the Earth, but the climate has great difficulty with temperatures, because it’s not high enough in the surface to permit liquid water.

Personal opinion

It’s very good news to the scientist research, because this has increased the probability of that it could be life in Mars, and maybe, we are nearer of understand the origin of the Universe with this project or the project of study Ceres.

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The last 7th of March, in the Villa Park (stadium of Aston Villa), it happened something terrible.  After Yacob was expelled and Scott Sinclair scored the 2-0, the Bromwich fans ripped out some seats and throw it to the pitch.

And after the final whistle of the match, The Villa’s fans jumped to the pitch to celebrate the win. Some fans insulted and provoked a Bromwich player, Mcmanaman. During the invasion of the pitch, the Bromwich players were still in the pitch, and, in the opinion of Kevin Phillips, it was very dangerous for them.

This event reminds the “dark age” of the Premier League, the 1980s, were this was very typical.

Personal opinion

This event, for me, it’s ridiculous and embarrassing. I don’t understand why they do it, and what their objective is.  For the Bromwich’s fans, they could be offended by the result, or of the referee actions, but I think that throw out seats it’s not the solution. And for the Villa’s fans, I don’t understand why they jumped to the pitch to insult the opponent players. It has been an embarrassing event

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The government of Colombia and Farc rebels have accorded to retire the landmines of Colombia, after more than two years of peace talks.This is because they want to reach the same objective, the peace of the country. This conflict began in the 1960s and it caused the death of more than 220,000 people.
The negotiator of the Colombian government said that it’s a giant step to the peace. From now on, the Farc member won’t carry guns and won’t wear uniforms.

Personal Opinion

In my opinion, this is very good news, because for the survival of the mankind we need peace, because with the technology of nowadays, we can destroy the entire planet with a button. Also is a good news for the country, because probably some tourists didn’t go to Colombia for the war and possibly now they will go.

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Oral Presentation


This oral presentation is worse than the oral presentation of the first term. This is because we had a lot of time and we did most of it in the last day and we didn't have time to prepare our presentation and, as we can see, we improvised some things.

But not is negative. I think the contain is enough and it's good redacted, with the important information.

In conclusion, the presentation went a little bit bad but the contain was not bad.

dissabte, 7 de març del 2015

sarunas jasikevicius

Sarunas Jasikevicius is an ex-professional basketball player, whose I admire for his bravery. Two years ago, he played the final match against the Real Madrid with a broken rib. Nowadays, he’s 39 years old and he is the assistant of the Zalguiris Kaunas.

He is a middle-age person, who is tall, thinin good shape and pale skin. He has greenish blue eyes, short straight dark hair and a hooked nose. He’s shaved and he hasn’t freckles.

Jasikevicius is a natural leader, with a very competitive character and with a lot of courage. He’s very responsible and he didn’t hide in the important moments, he has a level head, and he always decides the right action.

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Visiting the Udg

We visited the Udg, the University of Girona, on the 21st of February.

 This university is differerent than the UAB, because the UAB has all the faculties together and in the Udg the faculties are separated. My first impression was surprised, because it didn’t seem a university, it seemed different buildings next to each other. We had to walk 5 minutes to arrive at the college of engineers. The first talk which we went was design and development of video games, and after this talk, we went to the computer engineering talk.

In my opinion, the talks in the Udg were more interesting because they explain better what you will do on this degree instead of publicity of the university,

After this excursion, I’m not as undecided as before the excursion, because I  could understand better what you do in each degree.

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Visiting the UAB

We visited the UAB, one of the universities of Barcelona, on the 5th of February.

 My first impression was that it was very big. All the faculties were very near of each other. There, Jere, Didac, Marc, Adria and I went to a talk about the computer engineering. The talk was good, but I don’t like the tables where I sit. After this talk, Jere, Marc and I went to the bar, because we didn’t like the other talks.

The university also has a lot of facilities, like gym or football pitch. This is because if you live in the university’s resident or only study there, you have these facilities to disconnect a little of studying and do the things you like.

After this excursion, I’m as undecided as before the excursion, because I thought that there were more exciting talks.

Resultado de imagen de universitat autonoma de barcelona

American Sniper

American Sniper is a film based in a book which name is identical, and is the autobiography of the most lethal sniper in U.S military history, Chris Kyle, and is the author of the book.

This film is about the life of Chris Kyle. He was born in a little town of Texas, and he became attractive in guns when he was little. When he was 30, he decided to go to the SEAL to fight against the terrorism. Before he went to Iraq, he got married. He went to Iraq 4 times, and he became the most lethal sniper in the history of U.S, killing nearly 250 persons.

In this movie, I think the best is the moment when he killed another sniper who was more than a kilometer far. Plus, the beginning of the film is wonderful.

The only thing that I improve is that in some battles you don’t see very well who is shooting, because the action is very fast, but it passes in two or three battles.

At least, I think this film is wonderful and one of the best movies of this 2015, and I suggest to see this film, because the end of it is very impressive.

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Resultado de imagen de chris kyle

        The real Chris Kyle                                                                   Chris Kyle  (Bradley Cooper)