dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014

Torrente 5

Torrente 5 it's a very fun film and it's a critic of the Spanish society and reflect the problems of the Spanish people. It's produced, directed and interpreted by Santiago Segura.

This film is about a former Spanish policeman who has left the prison. When he returned to his normal life, he saw that everything what he liked had changed: Catalonia is independent, the "Vicente Calderón Stadium" was demolished, and the statue of "el Fari" was painted with spray paint...
Fortunately, he met a Russian person who had a plain to hold up Eurovegas. Torrente had to reclute qualificated people for do that plain.

In this movie, I think the best is the form with Santiago reflected the Spanish society and his evolution. Plus, the scene of the heist and when he left the prision are the best of the film. The only thing that can improve is the pronunciation of some characters

The only thing that I don't like of this film is the ending. It's very strange and it looks like it was written very fast.

At least, I think Torrente 5 is the funniest film in 2014 in Spain and I suggest to see this film, especially in the cinema, with high quality.


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