dijous, 4 de desembre del 2014



Robert Langer, professor in biomedical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, had the idea of regenerate the tissues, taking plastics and adding cells to it. If you use the right kind of plastics and the right structure, you have the hability to make skin, bone or any organ in the body.

Langer says that there has been a lot of progress. But, the rejection is the most inconvenient. He says that one day, you could have sensors that they could inform if you will have a heart attack or a stroke and go to the hospital before or inform to the hospital for an ambulance

This matter is very controversy, because some people says: Until what we must manipulate the human? I think this experiment it's not as bad as some people  because this can advise you to go to the hospital before you have a heart attack. It's a good research.

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