dijous, 4 de desembre del 2014


Have you got a lot of passwords? Are you sick of remember all of them?

For that problem, the company Facephi has spent seven years developing a new technology, using 16 engineers in order to "simplify" our lives. Javier Barranchinas, head of research Facephi tells us that  this  technology is for have a facial recognition in cheap webcams for acces in your accounts.

This operation is very simple: somebody stands in front of a camera, the program FacePhi makes you different photos in microseconds and converts that information into numbers. The program can detect changes that one suffers when you grow up,your hairstyle change ... Of course, you have to use often so you can recognize change.

This program has an error rate of one per million abd it's also able to distinguish whether it is a photo or the real person, and distinguish twins.

Although FacePhi wants to use thid technology to access on your account on social networks or to see if you are able to driving, detecting if you are tired or drunk.

This experiment is a good idea, because normally you have to remember a lot of passwords but, if we are in the habit of don't use the passwords and only use this technology, the day which this technology fall down, anybody could acces to his/her accounts. Somehow, if we use with care, it's very usefull

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