diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Video shows Afghan woman's 'Taliban execution'

Video shows Afghan woman's 'Taliban execution'
A video of a public execution of a woman in Afghanistan has emerged. The woman had been judged by an informal Taliban court and killed shortly after with a shot in the back in the head, while a crowd watched.
This is not the first public killing carried out by the Taliban, similar videos had been released in the past. Last year, a woman was stoned publicly after being accused of adultery, and in 2011 a similar case happened.

"Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is in the Koran, and that it is Islamic law”, says a Taliban spokesman.

This is terrible, is something that shockes you because the brutality and the cold blood that the Talibans had when they killed in this way. Acts like this take away your faith in the mankind


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