diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

My dreams

Recently, I've had some strange dreams that I want to tell. Today I'm gonna tell one:

I was dreaming that I was sailing a beautiful sailing boat, when suddenly I heard a strange noise that woke me up at 6am (Yes, I was dreaming that I was dreaming, AWESOME). This noise was a police car that was chasing a mercedens while they were firing a weapon. In the morning, when I went outside, I saw that during the pursuit five cars had been hit, and nobody knew who the fugitives were. 

Later, when I was having lunch, I saw on the news that the fugitives were jihadists that were gathered in Roses, and tried to escape driving in secondary roads, passing Pau and going to Castello. Fortunately they were caught in la Jonquera, and fortunately, it was just a dream.

Resultado de imagen de dream

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