dimarts, 3 de maig del 2016

Final Review

Normally, at the end of every term I usually do a review, in general, of the term. This review will be special and rare: special because it will be my last review, and rare because the term hasn't finished yet. Actually, it seems the term has just begun, because I have done few exams and now I have an exam every day until the 18th.

Fortunately I have begun the term in the best way in most subjects, showing my best version of myself, possibly because the two first exams of the term went very bad. Fortunately, I changed my way of study and my marks have improved. I also organized very well my time to avoid be stressed out. Of course, it can be reflected on my blog, because I have done the posts with time, and maybe will be worse than before because I work better under pressure.

Another reason of my improvement is because I'm afraid of failing a subject, thus I couldn't go to the PAU's. This fear is growing, and it cause me a bad feeling  that forces me to work harder. I hope this term went better than the others

Resultado de imagen de estudiando

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