dissabte, 7 de març del 2015

The 2nd term

This 2nd term hasn't been as good as the first and I don't know why. Since I returned of Christmas holydays, I'm not the same. I've done most of my homework in the last time, like the lasts 4 years. Doing this, this year I have been doing homework and studying from the 15:00 until 23:30 a few times, and it's not very healthy.

And this lack of hard-working caused to me stress, be sleepy and be lazier because I'm tired all the time. In most of the subjects I mark worse than last term. This is probably because in the first term I worked harder and I passed all the subjects with an average of 8, and this term I've been too relaxed.

I can promise to work harder, do my works and the homework in the same day and attend more in class in regards to the 3rd and the last term, but the question is if I will do it, and when I will do it: after this weekend or after the Holy Week?

Resultado de imagen de chico estudiando

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