dissabte, 7 de març del 2015

Visiting the Udg

We visited the Udg, the University of Girona, on the 21st of February.

 This university is differerent than the UAB, because the UAB has all the faculties together and in the Udg the faculties are separated. My first impression was surprised, because it didn’t seem a university, it seemed different buildings next to each other. We had to walk 5 minutes to arrive at the college of engineers. The first talk which we went was design and development of video games, and after this talk, we went to the computer engineering talk.

In my opinion, the talks in the Udg were more interesting because they explain better what you will do on this degree instead of publicity of the university,

After this excursion, I’m not as undecided as before the excursion, because I  could understand better what you do in each degree.

Resultado de imagen de universidad de girona

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