dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

1st term

This first term has been strange. I began better than last year, with better marks and working less. That’s wonderful. But it hasn’t been as good as it seems. In some subjects I have nearly failed because either I didn't study enough or because I didn't pay attention in the exam. Anyway, I have to work harder.

Something strange is that some subjects that at the beginning I considered boring, now I consider interesting, maybe because the teacher is better or because the lesson is more interesting.

But the main reason why I think that it has been a strange term is because at the beginning of this school year I thought that it would be very difficult because everybody said that, but studying less I’m getting the same mark or better. I know that it depends on the subject and the lesson, but it I’m surprised of that.

I hope that this second term will go better, partly because I won’t have the research project and because now I know how I have to organize my time

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