diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Could someday mankind turn into a robot?

Could someday mankind turn into a robot? It has a very simple answer: yes. But the polemic question is: Is really what we want to?

This question is hard to answer, because if we automate a person, that person is not a really person because it has changed genetically: he had a metal arm instead of a bone arm … And his mind is not the same. His instinct of survival disappears and he only accomplishes a series of algorithms.  He loses most of the human qualities, like the happiness or the fear. He will be immortal but we couldn’t consider him a human. In this case, we have to put a limit to not change the specie

A consequence could be that the mankind will disappear because there wouldn't be real humans and we would be another kind of organism and as the theory of evolution said, only the strongest species can survive, and we'll couldn't be as strong as a robot..

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