diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015

Piece of News 2

The last Saturday night, Brussels remained on its highest terror alert. The city was under a serious threat of a terrorist attack. The whole city had a huge amount of military and it remained very controlled.

 The malls, the commercial centres and the underground of the city were closed. Even the sports competitions were cancelled to prevent. On Saturday night some zones of the city seemed as a ghost town.

 The Prime Minister said that several terrorists that took part in Paris attacks had lived in Brussels. He also commented that Salah Abdeslam, an important and dangerous terrorist had crossed into Belgium the day after the attacks on Paris

 The contemporary situation in the world is shameful. The people can’t do their life in a peaceful way because of the terrorism. The majority of the European countries have the high alert and every big city is very controlled as never before because they are main objectives to terrorists. I hope this situation could end soon, but it seems that can go for a long time.


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