diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

are all the wars avoidable?

During history there has been a lot of wars that have ended with a huge amount of deaths, for example, the first and the second World War. Most of them could have been avoided, but the question is: are all the wars avoidable? The answer is "no", basically, for two reasons:

First, because the wars are produced because the tensions between countries. Normally, these tensions are difficult to solve, and they are increase until there's a trigger which force to begin the war. One example of that is the beginning of the 1st World War.

Second, there are countries that are interested in begin a war because their armament are greater than the other country and they want something that the other country own. An other reason for begin a war with another country is to force a  third country to take part in the war. For example, the Korea's war, where USA wanted to participate in the war to force URSS to take part too.

In conclusion, not all the wars are avoidable because of the interest of some countries or the accumulated tensions between various countries.

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