diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Fast food: Healthy or sickly?

Nowadays  there are a lot of  fast food chains: McDonalds, Burger King, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken),... and, of course,there are a lot of consumers all around the world. Some people, who probably have never seen the documental of "Supersize me", think that this fast food is healthy or not as bad as the other people think.

In this documental, Morgan Spurlock ate during  30 days only food of McDonald. In five days, he increased his weight 4,5kg! He needed 5 months to lost the weight that he had won in that month.

But not all are disadvantatges. The fast food gives you lots of calories and it's a good way to recover energy in few time, And normally it's very cheap (KFC is not as cheap). In McDonalds you can take a menu for moreless 6€.

In fact, fast food it's not as bad as people think unless you eat fast food with moderation. To finish I have tos say that I like fast food, is very economic and it's tasty, but recently I have had bad experiences with fast food. One day, in Barcelona, after having a big lunch in McDonalds, I went with my friends for a walk, and my heart was shouting to stop. I had never felt on this way before. And it was produced by McDonalds food, because of the low-quality meat. I have never eat  in McDonalds as much as that day, and it was two years ago.

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