dijous, 12 de maig del 2016

Description of a person

My name is Oriol, I'm 18 years old and I'm going to make a description of myself.

Physically, I'm tall and thin, fortunately, not as thin as three years ago. I weight 68 kg and I'm 1,86 m height. So, I'm similar to a stick. I have neither tattos nor piercings. My arms and my legs are very long and thin too.

Psychologically, I have a lot of imagination, sometimes too much, and I'm very indecisive, even when I was trying to choose the topic of this composition. Alslo I don't bear the lack of punctuality. I usually have a smile on my face, because I'm a very positive person, but wen I'm angry I'm very destructive, because I act without thinking of the consequences. Fortunately, it doens't usually happen.

In few words, this is me. Of course, I'm not as I described, I'm more complicated.

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