diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Last post

After 3 years, this is my last post in this blog. I don't know what to say because I talked about everything I was interested in. This blog has consumed all my imagination and has stressed me, because normally I don't know which topic I can talk about, and I spent quite time thinking what post I can do.

It has been useful because I've learnt a lot doing the blog, for example, use expressions and words that I don't use usually. Although it has been very stressed because the death lines coincide with the period of exams, it is very satisfactory when you finish the blog at the last minute. I used to do the blog at the last minute because I work better under pressure, and I'm more inspired when I'm writing.
And that's the secret of this blog. 

I hope you have enjoyed this blog more than me!!

Resultado de imagen de satisfaccion

PD: I have done this post because I had to do only one post more I didn't find another topic to do

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