diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

My dreams 3

As I said in another post, recently I have had some strange dreams that I want to share. This is not relationed with something in my life, and for that reason it is strange.

I was a secret agent in Madrid and the best sniper in Catalonia, and my mission was to kill the dictator of Spain during a promenade. I was in a small flat in "Plaza Mayor", and when he passed in his car, I killed him with a headshot My mission was succesful, but when I was escaping, the police enter to the building and found me going down the stairs, but they didn't recognize me because I looked like a boy and I could leave the building, but when the police talked with the neighbours...

Fortunately I escape and I changed my appearance and my DNI, so I passed unnoticed the border. Possibly, it has been he strangest dream. I'm still looking for the meaning of it.

Resultado de imagen de dream

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