diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

My dreams 2

As I said in another post, recently I have had some strange dreams that I want to share. This is relationed with my birthday, that it was some days ago.

It was my birthday I couldn't believe what happened: my mother had forgotten about my birthday! I was totally broken. She woke up in the morning, and when she was in the kitchen, she saw me so happy. She asked what was going on, trying to hide her carelessness, but I discovered that she forgot my 18th birthday! I began to cry disconsolately. My father woke up because of the noise and, when I he went to the kitchen, when we were, I saw that he had forgotten too!! Immediately I began to run somewhere. That day I didn't go to school. My parents, who were very worried, were looking for me, but without success.

Two hours later, they found me swinging in a park. They caught me and they tried to apologize for their mistake, and finally, they told me a big secret: I was adopted!

This dream/nightmare is a little frightening keeping in mind that I dreamt that some days before my birthday.

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