diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Black Friday

The Black Friday is an American tradition that consists in a huge discount in a lot of products, only for a day or a weekend. This day coincide with the day after Thanksgiving Day.

This tradition has extended all over the world. In Spain, the discounts are leading by "El Corte Ingles" and "Media Market", and a lot of people have taken advantage of this.

But there's something that have let me down and it's embarassing. Media Market went up their prices before the Black Friday to save their discounts and lose less money with the discounts. Embarassing.

In my opinion, all the discounts are welcome, but it's a symbol that our society is becoming more american and we're losing our traditions and adopting the american.

Fast food: Healthy or sickly?

Nowadays  there are a lot of  fast food chains: McDonalds, Burger King, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken),... and, of course,there are a lot of consumers all around the world. Some people, who probably have never seen the documental of "Supersize me", think that this fast food is healthy or not as bad as the other people think.

In this documental, Morgan Spurlock ate during  30 days only food of McDonald. In five days, he increased his weight 4,5kg! He needed 5 months to lost the weight that he had won in that month.

But not all are disadvantatges. The fast food gives you lots of calories and it's a good way to recover energy in few time, And normally it's very cheap (KFC is not as cheap). In McDonalds you can take a menu for moreless 6€.

In fact, fast food it's not as bad as people think unless you eat fast food with moderation. To finish I have tos say that I like fast food, is very economic and it's tasty, but recently I have had bad experiences with fast food. One day, in Barcelona, after having a big lunch in McDonalds, I went with my friends for a walk, and my heart was shouting to stop. I had never felt on this way before. And it was produced by McDonalds food, because of the low-quality meat. I have never eat  in McDonalds as much as that day, and it was two years ago.

TV programmes in Spain

Now, the majority of the TV programmes in Spain are Americans. Why? It has simple reasons.

The first reason is because we belive that USA is the center of the world. They have more control because they took advantage of us when the first and the Second World War finished, because Europe were destroyed and they gave us money to rebuilt. In that time, we began to depend of the USA.
The second reason is because most of the Spanish series are very bad and seedy. They haven't have a good plots and some of the scenes are pathetic. The few good spanish series have not as exit as the american series, because it's only showed in Spain.

Another fact that make us prefer american programmes is because the "famous programmes" in Spain are junk TV, for example, "Salvame"

Sincerely, I prefer americane series than spanish series or catalan series, but, normally I enjoy it because it's about things that are nearer to me than the matters that appear american series.

Oral Presentation

oral presentation

This first term I did an oral presentation with Pau and Jere. In my opinion it went better than what I expected. Althought it went well, I think that I didn't prepare enough and sometimes I lost the thread of what I was saying. But after all,when we were making the presentation, our objective was to gain the attention of the class, adding short videos and not talking too much  non-stop, and I think that we got it..

Could someday mankind turn into a robot?

Could someday mankind turn into a robot? It has a very simple answer: yes. But the polemic question is: Is really what we want to?

This question is hard to answer, because if we automate a person, that person is not a really person because it has changed genetically: he had a metal arm instead of a bone arm … And his mind is not the same. His instinct of survival disappears and he only accomplishes a series of algorithms.  He loses most of the human qualities, like the happiness or the fear. He will be immortal but we couldn’t consider him a human. In this case, we have to put a limit to not change the specie

A consequence could be that the mankind will disappear because there wouldn't be real humans and we would be another kind of organism and as the theory of evolution said, only the strongest species can survive, and we'll couldn't be as strong as a robot..

Book review

"Tres Sombreros de Copa" is a book written by Miguel Mihura. It's not really a book, it's a play. This play is about a man called Dionisio that he's going to get marry, and the night before, he went to a hotel to stay the night. In that night he met a comedian company and he fell in love with a girl called Paula. At the daybreak, his father in law came angry because Dionisio hadn't answered his phone calls and  they talked about his new life. After their conversation, Dionisio didn't want to get married, he wanted to runaway with Paula, but it was too late.

It's a funny play that I have laughted a lot. I read it in 2 hours moreless but it seemed less because it was enjoyable and entertaining. I recommend it to everybody because it shows the society of the 30s in a satiric way


A hospital in Afganistan has been bombed by U.S Force Army. The head of an international medical charity has said that it was not a mistake, and a member of Doctors Without Borders has said that it must be investigated as a war crime.
This hospital, situated in Kunduz, was repeatedly bombarded and hit from the front to the back. This attack has killed 22 persons, including patients and stuff.

Obama has apologized for the attack, and said some investigations showed that the hospital was used to coordinate Taliban activity
kunduz hospital
This is a serious war crime. In that hospital there were basically civil people, who had been injured, not Talibans. if there were Taliban, they would send soldiers instead of bombed the hospital. They  have chosen the easy way


are all the wars avoidable?

During history there has been a lot of wars that have ended with a huge amount of deaths, for example, the first and the second World War. Most of them could have been avoided, but the question is: are all the wars avoidable? The answer is "no", basically, for two reasons:

First, because the wars are produced because the tensions between countries. Normally, these tensions are difficult to solve, and they are increase until there's a trigger which force to begin the war. One example of that is the beginning of the 1st World War.

Second, there are countries that are interested in begin a war because their armament are greater than the other country and they want something that the other country own. An other reason for begin a war with another country is to force a  third country to take part in the war. For example, the Korea's war, where USA wanted to participate in the war to force URSS to take part too.

In conclusion, not all the wars are avoidable because of the interest of some countries or the accumulated tensions between various countries.

Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors have beaten the record of games won in the beginning of a season. They have won 18 games consecutive, all the games that they have played.

One of the reasons why have won those games is because the MVP, Stephen Curry is averaging over 31 points per game, and the team haven't changed a lot regarding last year,which they won the Finals.

They base their tactics on the outside game, playing with a "small" quintet and moving the ball and going to counterattack. Their games are always very enjoyable to see. They mix the patience to find a good position to shoot and a vertical play.

If they continue playing as they are playing now, they could break the record of 72 games won in the regular season. That record was made by the Bulls when Michael Jordan played on that team and is considered the best team in history

Is humour necessary?

Humour is essential in our lives, all types of humour, even dark humour. It's impossible to imagine a life without humour. So, why is it necessary?

It's important not to make the days monotonous. When you grow old and you try to remember the best days of your life you will remember the days that you had laughed a lot .

 Humour also has a lot of benefits in our physical and mental health. Humour relaxes your muscles, eases anxiety and relieves stress.

A social benefit that humour has is that everybody prefers to be with somebody that makes you laugh than somebody too serious, because it seems that the time passes faster.

But some kind of humour can seem offensive. And it's difficult to put a limit to the humour because it depends on the person. In my point of view, the humour doesn't have limits, even if it's very offensive to somebody or something, because it's only humour, there's no intention to hurt somebody, only to make somebody laugh , and we have to respect it.

There's a hell and a heaven inside all of us

Everybody has a good and a dark side, it’s in our nature and it’s impossible to change it. These sides are very different from each other.

The evil side is a moment or a little period of time that you’re full of rage and you don’t think about the consequences of your actions, and it depends on the people. Oscar Wilde compared these two sides of the people with the heaven and the hell. In this story, this evil side appears when Dorian killed Basil.

The good side is shown in your routine and it’s what we want to show to the people to cause a good impression. This side appears in the story when Dorian is with Mr. Henry.

The duration of these sides depends on the person, specially on his temperament and his environment.

dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

1st term

This first term has been strange. I began better than last year, with better marks and working less. That’s wonderful. But it hasn’t been as good as it seems. In some subjects I have nearly failed because either I didn't study enough or because I didn't pay attention in the exam. Anyway, I have to work harder.

Something strange is that some subjects that at the beginning I considered boring, now I consider interesting, maybe because the teacher is better or because the lesson is more interesting.

But the main reason why I think that it has been a strange term is because at the beginning of this school year I thought that it would be very difficult because everybody said that, but studying less I’m getting the same mark or better. I know that it depends on the subject and the lesson, but it I’m surprised of that.

I hope that this second term will go better, partly because I won’t have the research project and because now I know how I have to organize my time

diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015

Piece of News 2

The last Saturday night, Brussels remained on its highest terror alert. The city was under a serious threat of a terrorist attack. The whole city had a huge amount of military and it remained very controlled.

 The malls, the commercial centres and the underground of the city were closed. Even the sports competitions were cancelled to prevent. On Saturday night some zones of the city seemed as a ghost town.

 The Prime Minister said that several terrorists that took part in Paris attacks had lived in Brussels. He also commented that Salah Abdeslam, an important and dangerous terrorist had crossed into Belgium the day after the attacks on Paris

 The contemporary situation in the world is shameful. The people can’t do their life in a peaceful way because of the terrorism. The majority of the European countries have the high alert and every big city is very controlled as never before because they are main objectives to terrorists. I hope this situation could end soon, but it seems that can go for a long time.


dimecres, 10 de juny del 2015

piece of news

The Germanwings A320 plane co-pilot, Andrea Lubitz, crashed the plane intentionally. German Media say that he required treatment for depression, and the company Germanwings didn’t know that.
Data from the plane’s voice show that Andrea Lubitz purposely started a descent as the pilot was locked out of the cockpit.
Six years ago, Mr. Lubitz stopped his training because he required treatment for depression. The investigators found out the clues in the “black boxes”. Everybody died and the pilot couldn’t do anything to stop Andrea, who was very calmed before the plane’s crash. He tried everything, but that door only could be opened when it’s locked by the person who is inside.


It's a very bad new to the whole world, because it died a lot of people and it did to some people fear to fly. After that, I think it will be changes in the cockpit rules for avoid situations like this. This incident was inevitable, because nobody knew about the mental problems of Andrea, even the company. It has been a catastrophe that we hope it will never repeat

dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

Stephen Curry, the MVP

This year the MVP of the NBA is Stephen Curry, a player of the Golden State Warriors. He is point-guard and is considered by some to be the greatest shooter in NBA history. He has beaten the record of three-pointer in the regular season twice, the last year and this year, with 272 and 286 respectively, and he's only 27 years old.

His father is Dell Curry and he was also a NBA player. Stephen was elected by the Golden State Warriors in the 2009 Draft in the 7th position. This year; Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson have leaded the Golden State Warriors to the NBA Finals, with a spectacular 67-15 in regular season and 16-3 in Playoff.

Resultado de imagen de stephen curry

Without dubt, in two or three years he could be the best 3-pointer shooter in the history.

The Rookie of the year

This year, the winner has been Andrew Wiggins, without doubt. In the beginning of the season, it was interesting to see who could be the best rookie but, when Jabari Parker got injured, everything change.

Andrew Wiggins is only 20 years, 2, 03 m and plays in the Minessota Timberwolves. This has been his first year in the NBA, and he has good statistics.

Resultado de imagen de andrew wiggins

One year ago, he was selected in the first position by Cleveland Cavaliers but, after a month, he was transferred to Minessota. Now, a year later, he has shown his qualities and why he was elected in the first position. But he has to show if he could be a star.

piece of news 2

Researchers from Howard Hughes Medical Institute recently developed technology that makes possible to find out every virus you have ever been infected with analyzing a single drop of blood.

That method is called VirScan, and it can detect more than 1000 pathogens. A team tested 569 people from around the world and it suggest that many people have been exposed to the same viruses.

And it has a lot of utilities. This technology could help the investigators to prevent different diseases, for example, cancer. With that, investigators can understand the genome of the viruses and everything it’s easier to them to find new cures.


This is a very good notice for the science, because we can prevent some diseases that can kill us. We are nearer to control and cure more mortal diseases that kill a lot of people every day, but it isn’t enough. The poor people die because hunger and the cures of their diseases may be expensive. I know it’s impossible to live in a perfect world, but with the VirScan technology we are nearer


The summer comes (at last) and everybody wants to do a lot of things that they can’t do during the course. But most people search a job to pass the summer and earn money. This summer is probably my last summer without a job and I wanted to profit it. After a difficult year, with a lot of changes in our life, we need time to relax and disconnect of our world.

Resultado de imagen de summer

But not is as good as I thought. I have to do the research project and other things that don’t allow me and some more people to enjoy more the summer, but these things are very important for my future.

Resultado de imagen de summer

With my friends we have to do a lot of things, and we have about 3 months to do them, but we couldn’t do it all. The days will pass very fast it will be September in an moment.