dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

2nd term

I'm gonna talk about this second term because I'm looking for some topic to talk and, reviewing my blog I found an entry about the first term so, I will continue this topic with a 2nd term review and 3rd term review.

This second term has been as strange as the first, even more, possibly not in a good way. On the one hand, I improved my English and Spanish marks, that were too low.  But on the other hand I got worse in some subjects that went well the first term, as physics and maths. I don't know my marks yet, I have to wait two or three weeks, but I can say that, in general, I get worse for some reasons.

One of them is that I haven't organized well, doing all my schoolwork quickly in the last time, and the quality wasn't the same. Another reason is that I was distracted very easyly, and I trusted too much in my ability to study but, with schoolwork, it doesn't work.

So my objectives for the third term are to work harder,organize better my time and improve my average, if its possible, trying to reach a 8.5, but it's difficult.

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