diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

North Korea threatens 'pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice' as U.S. and South Korean troops begin their largest ever military drills on the peninsula

South Korean and U.S. troops began their largest annual military defensive exercises to prevent an invasion of North Korea. This exercise would be the largest because of the nuclear test of North Korea

Kim Jong-Un had replied threating South Korea and U.S. with a nuclear attack if the exercises go on, although South Korea’s Defense Ministry hasn’t seen any unusual military activity.

But North Korea's National Defense Commission said the North Korean army and people would satisfy the greatest desire of the Korean nation through a sacred war of justice for reunification in response to any attack to them

Besides this, China is opposed to any trouble in the Korean peninsula and invites them to keep calm and don’t increase the tensions.
Resultado de imagen de corea del norte prueba nuclear

In my opinion it's difficult to say something about this because IT'S a controversial topic. We have to keep calm as much time as we can and, when it's inevitable, try to beat North Korea as quick as possible. It's paradoxical that to beat a violent and repressive nation to establish peace we have to use the violence, isn't it? A world without wars is A utopia but, we have to avoid as much wars as we can, to prevent the injustice 


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