diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Mystery 'Alien' Spots On Ceres Could Be Caused By Salt New Study Shows

NASA have finally discovered what was the shiny spots that has Ceres (largest body in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), and if it was for an alien cause

A new study published in the Nature magazine suggests that the most probable is that this shiny spots contains hydrated magnesium sulphates, formed by magnesium, sulphur and oxygen.

These spots had had an unknown origin for long time. In addition, this research suggests that Ceres has an outer shell and an inner core.  The study also says that there’s a bright pit in the crater Occator that could be a sublimation of water ice.

Resultado de imagen de ceres

This news are a little disappointing for the alien fans because it rejects the possibility that the aliens are the originators of these spot lights

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