divendres, 11 de març del 2016

Can technology make a better world?

The world has changed a lot in the last years because of a technological impact, which has changed our way to life. Has it changed in a good way? Can technology make a better world?

These questions have opened big discussions. In fact, the technology has created the majority of our problmes, as the climate change, that we have to solve with more technology. So, What is the main purpose of the technology?

To answer this question we can search in the course of the history what was their utility. The prehistorics used the technology to improve their life quality. So this is its main purpose. Technology simplifies our life and helps us make it better, improving our life quality, for example creating a heating circuit to make us feel more comfortable during the winter, and giving us the oportunity to live more years.

In conclusion, the technology can make a better world, solving problems that it created and simplifying our life. There should not be any limits such as experimenting with humans because it can delay the discovery of an important thing, for example, the cure of the cancer or something similar.

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