dissabte, 12 de març del 2016


Nowadays a lot of people have pets. Some of them have pets because they are useful for them, and other people because for pleasure. But, it is justifiable snatch the freedom of some animals for pleasure?

Depends on the case and the animal. For example, a shepherd needs a dog to guide the flock of sheeps. In this case it is justifiable because the dog has a purpose.

However, lots of people have pets as an entertainment. Regarding to some animals as cats and dogs, I don't have arguments against it, because they're animals that can adapt easily to a human environment and they used to go its own way, but I'm not saying that we mustn't have to take care of them.

The exotic animals are another case. With them there's no justification, because their characteristics aren't adapted to another climate, and as a consequence of that, they suffer a lot because of the climate and their new life in captivity.

In conclusion, it's not ethic have pets that we don't take care of them and have exotic animals, because they suffer a lot.

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