dijous, 31 de març del 2016

"Education is about inspiring one's mind, not just filling their heads" Suli Breaks

Education is about inspiring one's mind, not just filling their heads"

I'm completely agree with that sentence.In my life as a student I don't even remember half of what "I learned". So, was it useful? Is useful to stress the students with a big amount of homework that possibly they wouldn't use in their lifes? How can we change it?

I've been thinking for a while and I don't find any solution, possibly because I have been educated as a machine that accomplish orders since I was little, killing my imagination  and filling my head with rules instead of deduce it for myself observing.

Hence a possibly solution is strengthen the mental capacities as the creativity and the imagination of the kids during their student life and change the method of pedagogy, starting teaching the future teachers how to teach strengthen what I said before.

Unfortunately, it isn't possible because it doesn't interest to the governments because a smarter population mean that they will pay more attention in the government actions. Besides, there isn't enough money for public education, so it's a shame.

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